

Tethers in Space: deorbiting and power generation

Tethers in Space: deorbiting and power generation

20 November 10-12 CEST

The Space Tether consists of a complex structure where there are three main parts: 1) the primary satellite; 2) a secondary
satellite; 3) a cable (of variable lengths) that is used to join the two spacecraft together. This cable allows the transfer of energy and momentum between the two spacecraft, and this transfer can be present in both directions and, in some cases,
can switch direction. Space tethers can be classified into two different areas: Passive tethers, which are used simply for mechanical connection and mainly transfer momentum from one part to the other; and Electrodynamic tethers, conductive wires or tapes or more complex structures), in which an electric current can flow and pass from one end to the other. The simplest application involves using the tether system as a de-orbit system; a drag Force is induced on the tether due to its relative motion with respect to the rotating plasma and the satellite.
An opposite application is the injection of electric current from one satellite which has an effect opposite to the deorbiting;
this effect can be used to increase the SMA of the system or produce movements in the orbital plane. The Electrodynamic tether is a system that can act as an orbital control for small and relatively big structures (depending on the tether length and on the produced current). Even if the tethers’ dynamics (passive or electrodynamic) are complex and not at all completely understood, the current knowledge in materials and technology is bridging the gap between theory and extensive application in current Space missions.

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    The Space Environment Interaction Engineering: Physics, Test Technology and Experimental Validation

    The Space Environment Interaction Engineering: Physics, Test Technology and Experimental Validation

    13/15/17 November 10-12 CEST

    Overview and General Information:

    In order to use space for scientific and commercial purposes it is necessary to understand the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space environment where most of the activities are now, and will be in the future, carried out. LEO environment includes severe hazards such as Atomic Oxygen (AO), Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation, Ionizing Radiation, High Vacuum, Plasma, Micrometeoroids and Debris, Severe Temperature Cycles and, for some systems, the Re-Entry Environment. It is important to note that these environmental characteristics do affect the space systems, the materials and the structures at the same time, with a remarkable synergistic effect. In order to understand these synergistic effects, whether experimental or theoretical and numerical approaches are of essential importance, as the comprehension of the operative environment becomes a key point to extend operative life of satellites and structures and to withstand aggressive conditions.

    The course is based on the analysis of the physics of Space Environment and it is completed with an in-depth analysis of both ground testing methods and the validation of experimental tests according to current regulations given by the major agencies as ESA and NASA.


    • Part 1: Physics of the Space Environment (2 hours)
    • Part 2: Test Technology, Ground-Test Facilities (2 hours)
    • Part 3: Experimental Validation (2 hours)

    Learning Objectives:

    Aim of the course is to give to the attendee the instruments to understand both the Space Environment and the related techniques for Environmental Tests on Space Systems, Materials and Structures.

    Target audience

    The course is dedicated to Ph.D students, non-academic professionals and undergraduate students.

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      Nonlinear spacecraft attitude control

      Nonlinear spacecraft attitude control

      6/8 November 2023

      Overview and General Information: 

      Spacecraft attitude control laws are often designed using linear control design techniques. As a result, their effectiveness can be guaranteed only for small attitude angles and small angular velocities since in that situation a linear approximation of the attitude equations can be employed. However, there are occasions when the spacecraft motion involves large attitude angles and large angular velocities. For those motions, the full nonlinear attitude equations must be used for evaluating the effectiveness of attitude control laws. In this course, basic results of Lyapunov stability theory will be presented and applied to nonlinear spacecraft attitude control.

      Learning objectives: 

      • Spacecraft detumbling
      • Stability of nonlinear systems
      • Lyapunov theorems
      • Nonlinear spacecraft attitude stabilization
      • La Salle’s theorem
      • Lyapunov indirect method

      Target audience

      Doctoral students, non-academic professionals.

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        Weapons bay aerodynamics and acoustic

        Weapons bay aerodynamics and acoustic

        20 October 2023

        Overview and General Information: 

        Modern combat aircraft design requirements impose the adoption of weapons bays to reduce radar signature and aerodynamic drag at transonic/supersonic speeds. Nevertheless, upon opening the bay, to release the store, aerodynamics and acoustic issues are generated which may potentially damage the structure of the cavity and the gimbal/sensors of the ordnance. Additionally, the trajectory of the store is strongly coupled to the unsteadiness of the aerodynamic field posing a hazard to a safe separation. Successful designs have been employed in current, low-signature,combat aircraft generation (F22, F117, F35, B2, J20, Su57), though each new design requires detailed studies to optimise the final architecture. In this webinar, the fundamentals of weapons bays aerodynamics and acoustic will be discussed.Attendees will learn to identify the major issues characterizing the topic, and what are the main difficulties during store release procedures. Numerical and experimental approaches for design procedures will be discussed as well.

        Learning objectives: 

        • Definition of main design challenges
        • Design approach and common solutions (including palliatives)
        • Fundamentals of store release
        • Examples of numerical and experimental approaches

        Target audience

        Doctoral students, non-academic professionals.

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          Sensors and actuators for aerospace applications

          Sensors and actuators for aerospace applications

          12 September 2023

          Overview and General Information:

          Sensors and actuators are important for a variety of applications, such as control systems, robotics, mechatronic systems, biomedical devices, and aerospace. This seminar covers the fundamental physical principles, characteristics, and applications for various types of sensors and actuators including thermal, mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, and optical. After an introductory discussion on sensors and actuators, the focus will be on aerospace applications, where selected examples will be analyzed.

          Learning Objectives:

          • Introduction to sensors
          • Sensors’ characteristics
          • Physical principle of sensors
          • Analysis of different sensors (e.g. piezoelectric, indictive, capacitive, optical, etc.)
          • Actuators
          • Aerospace applications: case studies

          Seminar Learning Outcome

          1. Be able to recognize and calculate sensors’ characteristics for different sensors such as pressure, temperature, strain, level sensors, etc.
          2. Understand fundamental physics and constitutive laws for several common transducer types including electromagnetic, piezoelectric, and thermoelectric.
          3. Be able to apply and use sensing physics to design and analyze sensors and actuators.


          Target audience

          Undergrad and grands students are welcomed.

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            Toward Smart Air Mobility: a Model-Based Design approach

            Toward Smart Air Mobility: a Model-Based Design approach

            20-21 July 2023

            Overview and General Information:

            The interest in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) had a step increase over the last few years. On the one hand, the slow growth rate of ground infrastructures led to a critical congestion in urban areas. On the other hand, the increasing demand for moving people and payloads further and faster drove the attention of research community and stakeholders toward the exploitation of the vertical dimension. With the aim to play a lead role in this new raising market, electrical air platforms with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities are being considered as key elements for the next generation of controlled airspace. In such a framework, crucial but challenging steps are represented by the optimization of novel configurations and the design of Guidance, Navigation, and Control systems. In this webinar, the fundamentals of Model-Based Design (MBD) approach will be discussed and applied to VTOL platforms. Attendees will learn the workflow of MBD and investigate the steps required for performance optimization and motion stabilization of rotary-wing vehicles. Test cases will be also presented.

            Learning objectives

            • Fundamentals of MBD method.
            • Application of MBD approach to a sample test-case.
            • Optimal sizing and performance estimation of rotary-wing aircraft.

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              Introduction to peridynamics

              Introduction to peridynamics

              10-13 July 2023

              Overview and General Information:

              The nonlocal peridynamic theory provides the capability for improved modeling of progressive failure in materials and structures.  This course starts with an overview of the Peridynamic (PD) theory and derivation of its governing equations based on the balance laws of classical continuum mechanics.  Subsequently, it presents derivation of the PD differential operator (PDDO) which enables the PD form of the governing equations of classical continuum mechanics. This course presents not only the theoretical basis but also its numerical implementation for the solution of governing field equations.

              Learning Objectives:

              The primary objective of the course is to acquaint students with the concept of PD, and derivation of the bond-based and state-based PD equilibrium equations through the Euler-Lagrange equations.  Also, it acquaints the students with the derivation of PD differential operator, and its use in the construction of governing equations for elastic and elastic-plastic material response as well as the coupling of PD with the finite element analysis.

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                Spaceports as gateway for sustainable access to space

                Spaceports as gateway for sustainable access to space

                22 June 2023

                The course provides an outlook at the technologies for commercial access to space, in particular suborbital flight, near space flight, satellite air launch, re-entry systems. Special focus is provided to the suborbital flight with special emphasis to the operational aspects and the opportunities of space exploitation offered by a suborbital spaceflight system. Elements of the expected suborbital market are provided, ranging from the space tourism to microgravity experimentation, to astronauts and pilots training. Matching of the suborbital flight to the New Space Economy opportunity is also discussed. The course addresses the concept and implementation of Spaceports as pivotal assets for commercial access to space and presents the major Spaceport functions that are identified to properly run the asset in support of flexibility to adapt non only to the current technologies but to the future developments. The main criteria to establish a Spaceport and relevant assessment methodology is presented, and the future Italian Spaceport is discussed. The Course continues with the description of the Ground Segment, a paramount asset to properly support a space mission execution both during flight mission and ground operations. The main Ground Segment functions and elements are described and the associated operations. The course describes the experience gathered during the development and execution of the ESA Intermediate Experimental Vehicle (IXV) mission with details on the Ground Segment approach and various mission aspects. The mission was supported at the ALTEC mission Control Center in Torino, Italy. The course describes the aspects associated with the feasibility study of Spaceports evaluation in Malaysia and different study cases are presented. Malaysia is significantly interested in access to space and becoming part of the major international players. The class provides highlights on Regulatory aspects and in particular the outfitting of a Regulatory system that allows Spaceports outfitting and suborbital operations in the Italian Territory. Specific Forum are described such the European Spaceport Forum and the International Astronautical Congress, where participants are exposed to the state of the art in space business and can be part of promising network of operators. After the retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2011, the space business has significantly changed, and the course provides an outlook of the new exciting opportunities ahead of us that are reshaping this fascinating business. The course provides elements to both doctoral students who are interested in enriching their curriculum with first-hand experience out of the space industry and operators who are interested in setting up space related services in support to the current and future developments.

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                  Acoustics in aerospace – Numerical methods and materials characterization

                  Acoustics in aerospace – Numerical methods and materials characterization

                  14-15 June 2023

                  The aim of this webinar is to deal with the main criticisms related to acoustic simulation and noisesuppression in the aerospace sector. This objective is achieved by initially introducing and discussing the state-of-the-art methods and technologies that are relevant to this field.Subsequently, the fundamentals of analytical (Transfer Matrix Method) and numerical (Wave Finite Element Method) approaches are illustrated, which constitute powerful and efficient techniques to estimate the absorption and transmission properties of a sound package. Lastly, some innovative acoustic meta-material configurations are presented, based on a periodic pattern of porous unit cells, whose main homogenization models are defined and discussed too. These topics address different applications not only in the aerospace industry, but more generally in transportation(automotive, railway), energy and civil engineering sectors, where both weight and space, as well as vibroacoustic comfort, still remain as critical issues.

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                    Optical methods for spacecraft attitude and orbit determination

                    Optical methods for spacecraft attitude and orbit determination

                    30-31 May 2023

                    Images of celestial bodies collected by a camera contain much valuable information for a spacecraft, which can be used to infer the relative position and/or attitude. Imaging systems have been successfully employed in the past decades to this end, in the form of, e.g., star trackers, navigation cameras, horizon sensors. Depending on the apparent size of the targeted body within the image, different techniques are used to extract the relevant information. In this webinar, the fundamentals of optical navigation techniques will be discussed. Attendees will learn image processing techniques and attitude/position estimation algorithms. Test cases will also be discussed.

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