
International Symposium on Multi-scale Mechanics of Composites

International Symposium on Multi-scale Mechanics of Composites

27-28 October 2022 08:30-12:30 CEST


The symposium “Multi-scale mechanics of composites” aims at outlining the state-of-the-art and the perspectives of the research in the field of multi-scale modelling for advanced composites materials and structures. Scientists and experts will be invited to share their latest research ideas and results in this research direction. This symposium is supported by the International Joint Research Center for Impact Dynamics and Its Engineering Applications, and the Structural Mechanics Behavior Science and Technology Innovation Intelligence Base.

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    The Space Environment Interaction Engineering: Physics, Test Technology, and Experimental Validation

    The Space Environment Interaction Engineering: Physics, Test Technology, and Experimental Validation

    25 October, 3 and 8 November 2022

    In order to use space for scientific and commercial purposes, it is necessary to understand the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space environment where most of the activities are now and will be in the future, carried out. LEO environment includes severe hazards such as Atomic Oxygen (AO), Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation, Ionizing Radiation, High Vacuum, Plasma, Micrometeoroids, Debris, Severe Temperature Cycles, and, for some systems, the Re-Entry Environment. It is important to note that these environmental characteristics do simultaneously affect the space systems, materials, and structures, with a remarkable synergistic effect. In order to understand these synergistic effects, whether experimental or theoretical, numerical approaches are of essential importance, as the comprehension of the operative environment becomes a key point to extending the operative life of satellites and structures and withstanding aggressive conditions.

    The course is based on the physics of Space Environment and it is completed with an in-depth analysis of both ground testing methods and the validation of experimental tests according to current regulations given by the major agencies such as ESA and NASA.

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      Structural Dynamics and Acoustics of Aerospace and Air Transportation Vehicles

      Structural Dynamics and Acoustics of Aerospace and Air Transportation Vehicles

      29 September 14-18:30 CEST

      This webinar deals with structural dynamics and acoustic design of aerospace and air transportation vehicles. The vibroacoustic response of aerospace and air vehicles is a rather complex phenomenon, which is normally studied considering the dynamics and acoustics of sub-components, such as fuselage sections, wings, flaps, and landing gears, etc. Therefore, the webinar will focus specifically on the vibro-acoustics analysis of elementary mechanical components (e.g. lightweight aluminium framework and panel structures, double-wall structures, composite panels and shells, etc.), from a different point of view (theoretical, numerical and experimental). Several topics will be discussed, such as interior noise mitigation, noise transmission control and vibration attenuation. The physics, design and implementation of both passive vibration attenuation and sound insulation treatments/techniques and active semi-active control systems will be discussed in detail.

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        Tethers in Space: deorbiting and power generation

        Tethers in Space: deorbiting and power generation

        27/28 September 10-12 CEST

        The Space Tether consists of a complex structure where there are three main parts: 1) the primary satellite; 2) a secondary
        satellite; 3) a cable (of variable lengths) that is used to join the two spacecraft together. This cable allows the transfer of energy and momentum between the two spacecraft, and this transfer can be present in both directions and, in some cases,
        can switch direction. Space tethers can be classified into two different areas: Passive tethers, which are used simply for mechanical connection and mainly transfer momentum from one part to the other; and Electrodynamic tethers, conductive wires or tapes or more complex structures), in which an electric current can flow and pass from one end to the other. The simplest application involves using the tether system as a de-orbit system; a drag Force is induced on the tether due to its relative motion with respect to the rotating plasma and the satellite.
        An opposite application is the injection of electric current from one satellite which has an effect opposite to the deorbiting;
        this effect can be used to increase the SMA of the system or produce movements in the orbital plane. The Electrodynamic tether is a system that can act as an orbital control for small and relatively big structures (depending on the tether length and on the produced current). Even if the tethers’ dynamics (passive or electrodynamic) are complex and not at all completely understood, the current knowledge in materials and technology is bridging the gap between theory and extensive application in current Space missions.

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          High-order accurate numerical methods in aeronautics at the Exascale

          High-order accurate numerical methods in aeronautics at the Exascale

          21/22 September 09-13 CEST

          The aim of this course is to present an overview of high-order accurate numerical methods for mathematical problems that arise in aeronautical and aerospace engineering. Numerical schemes are referred to as high-order accurate when a suitably defined error measure e is a function of the mesh size h as e∼h^p, with p≥3. High-order accuracy is of significant engineering interest in numerical methods because it allows the solution of computational problems with a smaller number of degrees of freedom and higher convergence rates of the error with respect to low-order numerical schemes. The aim of this course is to present an overview of high-order accurate numerical methods for mathematical problems that arise in aeronautical and aerospace engineering. Numerical schemes are referred to as high-order accurate when a suitably defined error measure e is a function of the mesh size h as e∼h^p, with p≥3. High-order accuracy is of significant engineering interest in numerical methods because it allows the solution of computational problems with a smaller number of degrees of freedom and higher convergence rates of the error with respect to low-order numerical schemes.

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            Nonlinear spacecraft attitude control

            Nonlinear spacecraft attitude control

            14/15 September 10-12 CEST

            Spacecraft attitude control laws are often designed using linear control design techniques. As a result, their effectiveness
            can be guaranteed only for small attitude angles and small angular velocities since in that situation a linear approximation
            of the attitude equations can be employed. However, there are occasions when the spacecraft motion involves large
            attitude angles and large angular velocities. For those motions, the full nonlinear attitude equations must be used for
            evaluating the effectiveness of attitude control laws. In this course, basic results of Lyapunov stability theory will be
            presented and applied to nonlinear spacecraft attitude control.

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              Basics of corrosion and protection of metals for aerospace

              Basics of corrosion and protection of metals for aerospace

              25 July 12-14 CEST, 15:30-17:30 CEST - 26/27 July 11-14 CEST

              Corrosion Control in the aerospace industry is becoming more critical with the aging of the aircraft fleet. In recent years, the aviation industry in terms of corrosion has been undertaken with million pounds. Corrosion control can be one of the aircraft industry’s most effective weapons in the battle against airplane structural failures. Left undetected and/or untreated, corrosion can decrease the load-carrying capacity of primary structures or act as nucleation sites for fatigue or stress corrosion cracks. Thus, corrosion can undermine the integrity of an aircraft and make it unsafe to fly. Therefore, by appropriate selection of materials, maintenance and husbandry, these effects could be decreased.

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                Congresses and events, Past events

                4° edizione del Premio in memoria del prof. Franco Persiani

                4° Edizione del Premio in memoria del Prof. Franco Persiani

                30 September 2022, Forlì, Italy

                L’AIDAA annuncia la pubblicazione del bando della 4° edizione del Premio in memoria del Professore Franco Persiani, di cui è promotrice unitamente al Centro Studi Franco Persiani e a Serinar. Il premio è destinato a laureati in Ingegneria Aerospaziale o Aerospace Engineering in qualsiasi Università italiana che hanno discusso la propria tesi di laurea magistrale sul tema “Innovazione per il settore aeronautico” nel periodo dal 1 ottobre 2020 alla data di scadenza del bando, fissata al 30 settembre 2022.

                Il prof. Persiani è stato dal 2009 al 2013 presidente dell’AIDAA.

                Maggiori informazioni sul premio e sul bando possono essere trovate qui.

                Congresses and events, Past events

                ENAV Thinking Cup 2022

                ENAV Thinking Cup 2022

                23 - 24 September 2022, Forlì, Italy

                L’iniziativa #ENAVThinkingCup2022 è la prima sfida organizzata da ENAV, con l’obiettivo di coinvolgere studenti, startup, liberi professionisti e aziende, al fine di raccogliere e sviluppare idee e soluzioni di qualsiasi livello di maturità per innovare la mobilità aerea del futuro.
                Dopo una prima fase di raccolta delle candidature, la giuria indicata da ENAV inviterà i partecipanti selezionati presso il Training Centre di Forlì per partecipare alla challenge prevista per settembre.
                Partecipa all’iniziativa! Avrai l’opportunità di sviluppare le tue idee e le tue soluzioni per disegnare la mobilità aerea del futuro!

                Periodo di raccolta di idee e soluzioni: 5 luglio – 1 agosto

                Challenge days: 23 – 24 settembre

                Congresses and events, Past events

                Cerimonia di firma del contratto IAC 2024

                Cerimonia di firma del contratto IAC 2024

                15 July, Milan

                L’Italia al centro del dibattito internazionale sull’uso dello Spazio a supporto della sostenibilità: il 15 luglio la firma del contratto per ospitare a Milano IAC 2024

                Il 75° Congresso Astronautico Internazionale (IAC), in programma nel 2024, porterà a Milano oltre 8000 esperti del mondo dell’industria, della ricerca e delle istituzioni

                Venerdì 15 luglio alle 11.00 si terrà presso Palazzo Lombardia la cerimonia di firma del contratto tra la Federazione Astronautica Internazionale (IAF) e l’Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA), incaricata di organizzare a Milano, dall’ 11 al 18 ottobre 2024, la 75ma edizione dell’International Astronautical Congress (IAC), la più importante manifestazione mondiale nel settore dello Spazio. Verrà inoltre formalizzata una lettera di intenti che impegna l’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) e Leonardo a supportare AIDAA nell’organizzazione dell’evento.

                La candidatura di Milano, dichiarata vincitrice a ottobre 2021, è stata promossa da AIDAA, ASI e Leonardo, in rappresentanza rispettivamente del mondo accademico, delle istituzioni e dell’industria spaziale italiane, e supportata in modo determinante dal Governo italiano e dalle istituzioni locali, in particolare dal Presidente della Regione Lombardia e dal Sindaco di Milano.

                 Alla cerimonia interverranno il Presidente della Regione Lombardia, Attilio Fontana; la Presidentessa del Consiglio Comunale di Milano, Elena Buscemi; l’Amministratore Delegato di Leonardo, Alessandro Profumo; il Presidente di ASI, Giorgio Saccoccia; il Presidente di AIDAA, Erasmo Carrera; la Presidentessa di IAF, Pascale Ehrenfreund.

                 Con il motto “Responsible space for sustainability”, IAC 2024 vuole sottolineare l’importanza dello Spazio come “ambiente” da mantenere sicuro, aperto all’esplorazione, all’uso pacifico e alla cooperazione internazionale da parte delle generazioni attuali e future, nell’interesse del Pianeta e di tutti i Paesi, indipendentemente dal loro grado di sviluppo e senza discriminazioni di alcun genere. Con questo auspicio si incontreranno presso il Milano Congress Center (Allianz MiCo), il più grande Centro Congressi d’Europa, oltre 8000 esperti da agenzie spaziali, aziende, centri di ricerca e associazioni di tutto il mondo, riuniti allo IAC 2024 organizzato con il contributo di AIM Group International.

                Oggi in orbita ci sono poco meno di 8000 satelliti, di cui circa 5000 operativi, un numero destinato a crescere significativamente nei prossimi anni. Sono sempre più i Paesi e gli attori pubblici e privati protagonisti della Space Economy. L’orbita terrestre è però una risorsa limitata e il suo sovraffollamento porta rischi in termini di sicurezza, di inquinamento luminoso e di disponibilità dei dati e dei servizi messi a disposizione dalle tecnologie spaziali. Economia, industria, agricoltura, trasporti, energia, finanza, sviluppo urbano, comunicazioni, monitoraggio ambientale, sicurezza: i sistemi spaziali costituiscono uno strumento fondamentale per un futuro più digitale, verde e sostenibile, e sono vitali per il funzionamento della società, per l’economia e il commercio globali.

                La sfida dell’uso responsabile dello Spazio per la sostenibilità vede in prima fila l’Italia, tra i pochi Paesi al mondo a disporre di una filiera completa nella Space economy: dalla manifattura, passando per lo sviluppo di nuove applicazioni e la gestione dei servizi satellitari fino ai sistemi di propulsione e lancio.

                Competenze espresse dal mondo della ricerca e da aziende di ogni dimensione, dalle start-up e le PMI fino alla grande industria, supportate dalle istituzioni, che si riuniscono il 15 luglio per siglare l’impegno a sostenere IAC 2024.

                La stampa può seguire l’evento in presenza, registrandosi a Palazzo Lombardia 15 minuti prima dell’inizio dell’evento, oppure in streaming a link