AIDAA educational series

Challenges and opportunities for the aerospace frontier

Challenges and opportunities for the aerospace frontier

22nd FEBRUARY 2021

The main instruments for the development and attraction of talent to the European Union (EU) are the European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

Over the last decade, the ERC and the MSCA found wide and diverse areas of research of relevance to aerospace and gave many researchers the opportunity to develop their projects with highly competitive conditions. This short webinar is addressed to early-career and experienced researchers and is intended to promote successful proposals for the ERC and MSCA Individual Fellowship grants.

In the first part, EU scientific officers and experts will give an overview on the main characteristics and opportunities offered by the ERC and MSCA-IF funding schemes. Particular attention will be focused on mission, funding, and evaluation process.

In the remaining part of the course, authors of successful ERC and MSCA-IF grant proposals on arguments of aerospace relevance will present their own stories and projects and will give application advice. Details on lessons learnt, proposal writing, preparation of the curriculum vitae, and stage-2 interview will be discussed along with eventual opportunities to join an ERC team.


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IAC 2021
Congresses and events, Past events

International Astronautical Congress 2021

The 72nd International Astronautical Congress 2021

25-29 OCTOBER 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Inspire, innovate & discover for the benefit of humankind.

For the very first time, the IAC will open its doors to the global space community in the United Arab Emirates, the first Arab country to host the IAC since its establishment in 1950.

The United Arab Emirates’ interest in astronomy and space sciences dates back to the 1970’s, when His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan met with the NASA team responsible for the Apollo moon landing. This encounter sparked a national focus on space that began almost three decades ago, eventually leading to the birth of a national space sector.

The IAC 2021 Host Organization – the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center (MBRSC) – member of the IAF since 2012, was established by the Dubai Government to serve as one of the main pillars to drive the establishment of the knowledge economy and sustainable development in the UAE.

With the theme “Inspire, Innovate & Discover for the Benefit of Humankind”, the IAC 2021 looks forward to making a contribution to humanity and to science by strengthening and enhancing cooperation between all countries in the space sector.

This is your chance to inspire the next generation, to architect the further development and expansion of the space sector’s growing ecosystem. In fact, the IAC 2021 could be your opportunity to contribute in breakthroughs that revolutionize the future of space exploration.

The IAC 2021 comes to the UAE at a fortuitous juncture: it will follow closely on the heels of the launch of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe), the Arab’s first space exploration craft to Mars. It will also mark the anniversary of the return of the first Emirati astronaut from the International Space Station, and the second anniversary of the launch of KhalifaSat — the first Earth-observation satellite to be produced wholly by Emiratis.

These achievements are symbolic of the beginning of a new era in the region; the IAC 2021 will be an opportunity to shed light on how space science and technology can contribute to a nation’s progress.

Progettazione dirigibile
Congresses and events, Past events

Conferenza “Ingegneria e progettazione del dirigibile”

Conferenza Ing. Paolo Valsecchi ''Ingegneria e progettazione del dirigibile: analisi storica e prospettive future''


La conferenza, tenuta dall’Ing. Paolo Valsecchi, si svolgerà il 10 dicembre 2020 dalle ore 15:15 fino alle 17:15.

L’Ing. Paolo Valsecchi è laureato in Ingegneria Aeronautica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali del Politecnico di Milano, con una tesi in ambito dirigibilistico. Appassionato di storia e tecnologia aeronautica, e attivo collezionista di cimeli e materiali militari, propone questo seminario con lo scopo di stimolare la curiosità in questo settore dell’ingegneria, dopo essersi interfacciato con progettisti di dirigibili di primaria importanza.

Se consentito dalle disposizioni vigenti alla data della conferenza, l’evento sarà fruibile anche in presenza in aula.

conferenza dirigibili
Congresses and events, Past events

Conferenza “Dirigibili – I transatlantici del cielo”

Conferenza Prof. Max Pinucci ''Dirigibili - I transatlantici del cielo''


In occasione delle celebrazioni del centenario, A.I.D.A.A. è lieta di annunciare la conferenza a cura del Prof. Max Pinucci “Dirigibili, i transatlantici del cielo. Un omaggio ad una storia dimenticata ed a futuri scenari: l’epopea dei grandi dirigibili, navi nate per solcare i cieli. Avventure, esplorazioni, lussuosi viaggi tra le nuvole. Cento anni di storia del più leggero dell’aria, cento nuovi progetti per il trasporto del futuro.”

La conferenza si terrà in modalità telematica il prossimo Martedì 10 Novembre dalle 16.30 alle 18.30. Clicca a questo link per partecipare.

(Posti disponibili: 250. Lingua: Italiano)