3rd Aerospace PhD-Days
16 - 19 April 2023, Bertinoro (FC)
The third edition of the Aerospace PhD-Days will be held in Bertinoro (FC), Emilia-Romagna, from the 16th to the 19th of April 2023.
During the congress, PhD students will have the possibilities to share their activities to the colleagues all over the world and, thus, to create a net of the International young researchers; moreover, it will be possible to have a complete overview of the whole research activities in Aerospace.
The Aerospace PhD-Days are open to any PhD student in Aerospace Science and Engineering or with a PhD topic in the aerospace field. PhD graduated in 2023 are welcomed too. In order to participate, an extended abstract on the PhD topic or part of it (min. 2 and max. 8 pages) must be submitted.
The main topics will be related to aeronautics, space, and aviation.
The proceedings are available here.