AIDAA 2023 XXVII International Congress, organized by Section of Padua, will be held from Monday through Thursday, September 4-7, 2023 at the University of Padua.
The Congress is scheduled to take place at the Complesso Beato Pellegrino, precisely at the “Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari (DiSLL)”. Click here to locate the main entrance, which is situated at 13 v. E. Vendramini. The Aula Magna sited in Palazzo Bo is designated as the venue for the inaugural ceremony and the opening plenary sessions during the first morning. Lunch on the first day will be served at Palazzo Bo, adjacent to the Aula Magna. In the early afternoon, the participants will make their way on foot to the Complesso Beato Pellegrino, where the remainder of the congress will take place.
“Universa universis patavina libertas” (The freedom of the University of Padua is complete for all), this is the motto that has always characterised the University of Padua, and also the spirit of freedom of culture and expression that drove a group of students and professors to leave the University of Bologna for Padua. Thus, the University of Padua was not born ex privilege, thanks to a papal or emperor’s edict, but due to a favourable coincidence of factors: the massive transfer from Bologna of lecturers and professors on the one hand, and the benevolence and support of the Commune on the other. Although the study and research activity dates back many years earlier, 1222 is recognised as the foundation year: that year is in fact the first record of a regular university organisation.
Click here to discover more about the University of Padua.