33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Science
4-9 September 2022, Stockholm
The 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) will take place in Stockholm in 4–9 September 2022, bringing together a global array of topics and participants as the only true international forum that covers the world of aeronautics. The scientific portion of the congress will take place at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, which is a world-class facility, extremely conveniently located and that affords beautiful views of the Stockholm waterfront.
As it is usual, the ICAS Congress technical program, will cover the core aeronautical disciplines such as Aircraft Design, Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Materials and Structures, Systems and Subsystems, and Controls. Moreover, as ICAS has been doing for the last congresses, current topics that address emerging technologies that lead to improved performance, a cleaner or quieter environment, or more agile development processes are also planned for the technical program. However, consistent with the unprecedent times that we are living through, the program will also address technical aspects associated with healthier and safer air circulation conditions inside airplanes, airport procedures and other issues that became relevant throughout the current pandemic.
Abstract due: 10 February 2022